The Surveys

Complete a survey to help expand Alaska Broadband.

Below are links to surveys. Click a title to read more. Each description contains a link to a survey.

ISP and Contractor Survey

For ISPs and Contractors who plan to take advantage of coming broadband expansion opportunities. All responses are confidential. The survey has 8 questions and should take 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You will be able to change answers before submitting your responses. Only one person should complete the survey for the entire company. All survey responses are confidential.  HERE

CTE Training Provider Survey

As a CTE educator or trainer, your institution's capacity to train the workforce is crucial in the coming broadband expansion funded by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Your response will help identify career pathways and support resources your institution is currently prepared to deliver or will need to develop to build a qualified workforce for broadband expansion. The survey has 22 questions and takes 10 to 30 minutes to complete. You will be able to change answers before submtting your responses. All survey responses are confidential.  HERE

Training Provider Survey

As a post-secoondary educational and/or training entity in Alaska; your institution's capacity to educate and/or train the workforce is crucial in coming broadband expansion funded by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Your response will help identify the education, training, career pathways, and support resources your institution is currently prepared to deliver or needs to develop to build a qualified workforce for broadband expansion. The survey has 12 questions and takes 10 to 30 minutes to complete. You will be able to change answers before the final submission of your responses. All survey responses are confidential.  HERE