The Resources

Some Alaska Broadband Workforce Development Resources

Training and Education



Broadband Construction Relevance


ABC of AlaskaCarpenter Apprentice+B2:C37YESABC Alaska
Alaska Carpenters Training TrustCarpenter ApprenticeshipYESAlaska Carpenters Training
Alaska Construction Academies (AKCA)Promote career opportunities in construction related occupationsYESAWIB Training Programs
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce DevelopmentAlaska Apprenticeship PlanYESAlaska_Apprenticeship_Plan-10-2018
Alaska IBEW Local 1547Electrician (licensed) and Wireman YESIBEW 1547 wireman
Alaska Ironworkers Training Program TrustStructural Steel/Ironworker ApprenticeshipYESIronworkers 751
Alaska Jobs CorpsPre-Apprentice Training in Building Construction Technology, ElectricalYESAlaska Jobcorps
Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training TrustElectrician ApprenticeshipYESAlaska Electrical Apprenticeship
Alaska Laborers Training SchoolConstruction Craft LaborersYESAlaska Alaska Laborers Apprenticeship
Alaska Operating Engineers/Employers Training Trust FundHeavy Equipment Operator/Operating Engineer ApprenticeshipYESOperating Engineers Training Trust
Alaska Postsecondary Access & Completion Network (AlaskaCAN)Listing of Training Providers???65 by 25 Opportunities
Alaska RoteqMachinist???AK Roteq
Alaska SC/SE Sheet Metal Worker's Local #23 Joint ApprenticeHeating & Air Conditioning Installer-Service Technician Apprenticeship???Sheet Metal Workers Apprenticeship
Alaska School DistrictsHigh School Career & Technical Education ProgramsYESCTE Perkins Courses
Alaska Teamster - Employer Service Training TrustConstruction Driver ApprenticeshipYESAK Teamster Training
Alaska Technical CenterCareer & Technical Training ProgramsYESAK Technical Center
Alaska Technical Training Assoc - dba Alaska Driving AcademyCDL TrainingYESAK Driving Academy
Alaska Vocational Technical CenterConstruction TrainingYESAVTEC
Alaska WIOATraining/Education ProgramsYESWIOA
Alaska WIOA Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)Training programs for which eligible individuals may qualify for WIOA support through the Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce DevelopmentYESWIOA ETPL
Alaska Works Partnership IncConstruction & Telecommunications Training and Pre-ApprenticeshipsYESAlaska Works
Amundsen Educational Center - Building Hope ConstructionResidential ConstructionYESBuilding Hope Construction
AVTEC - Alaska Vocational Technical CenterConstruction and IT Training ProgramsYESAVTEC IT and Construction
Center for Employment Education (CEE)CDL A - 20 HourYESCEE-CDL
Charter CollegeCareer & Technical Training ProgramsYESCharter College
Fiber Broadband AssociationFBA OpTIC Path – Proprietary CourseYESFiber Broadband Certification
Fiber Optic AssociationFiber U - Free Online Self-Study Courses to prepare for recognized classroom/hands-on training coursesYESFiber Broadband University
Ilisagvik CollegeCareer & Technical Training Programs???Ilisagvik College
Kenai Peninsula Driving Instruction LLCCommercial Truck Driving A - 110 HoursYESCDL Courses
Nine StarEducation & Employment Services???Nine Star
Northern Industrial Training (NIT)Construction, CDL, WeldingYESCourses
NTF Electric LLCElectrician ApprenticeshipYESElectrician Apprenticeship
Peregrine Technical Solutions LLCInformation Security Analyst-Cyber Security AnalystYESPeregrine
Rock-N-Road Construction IncConstruction Craft LaborerYESRoad Construction
Satori Group IncTrenching & Excavating Competent Person TrainingYESCompetent Person Training
Southwest Alaska Vocational & Education Center - SAVECBuilding Construction & RepairYESBMR Training
Telecommunications IndustryTelecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP).YESTelecommunications Training
U.S. Department of LaborApprenticeship USAYESTelecommunications Training
UAACareer & Technical Certificates & DegreesYESTechincal Certificates
UAFCareer & Technical Certificates & DegreesYESTechincal Certificates
UASCareer & Technical Certificates & DegreesYESTechincal Certificates
Yuut ElitnaurviatCareer & Technical Training Programs???Techincal Training
Zender Environmental Health and Research GroupRural Alaska Community Environmental Job Training Program - RACEJT???RACEJT
Workforce Development

Fiber Broadband Association

Broadband Workforce Development Guidebook


Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Alaska Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)


Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development

The Alaska LNG Project

Gasline Workforce Plan


State Agencies, Industry Sectors, University of Alaska

Alaska Maritime Workforce Development Plan


Alaska Miners Association

Alaska Mining Workforce Development Plan


Alaska Technical Vocational Education Program (TVEP)

Funds are part of a statewide vocational training system

Alaska Workforce Investment Board

Lead planning, coordinating for public workforce development system

Foundation for Rural Service

Guide to Careers in Rural Telecommunication

guide to careers

Alaska Broadband Workforce Development Team

Core Activities and Job Roles in Fiber Broadband & Wireless Networks

Workforce Surveys

AK DOL August 2023 Alaska Apprenticeship Report

Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Apprenticeship Report prepared for the Alaska Workforce Investment Board August 2023

AK DOL Aug 2023 Apprenticeship Report

FCC, U.S. Department of Commerce (NTIA) and Departments of Labor and Education

Telecom Interagency Working Group Report on Workforce Needs January 13, 2023

U.S. Census Bureasu, National Science Foundation and Department of Education

National Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS)

U.S. DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics

In-house jobs survey January 2023 – open to view 7/22/23


U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Telecommunications Workforce December 15, 2022

Broadband Planning Guides and Data

U.S. Department of Commerce

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Internet for All Needs Assessment Guide

2023-01 IFA Digital Equity Needs Assessment Guide

U.S. Department of Commerce

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Planning a Community Broadband Roadmap: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments


U.S. Department of Commerce

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Sustaining Broadband Networks: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments


Broadband Now

Alaska Internet Coverage & Availability in 2023

U.S. Federal Communications Commission

Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Job Skills and Training Opportunities


Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

Updates, analyses, resources

Brookings Institution

Maximizing new federal investments in broadband for rural America


Brookings Institution

Reimagining the broadband technology workforce


America Achieves

Broadband Equity, Access, 

and Deployment (BEAD)  

Program Playbook for Eligible Entities

June 22, 2022


News Reports

Anchorage Daily News

$1B federal investment toward closing Alaska’s digital divide



Anchorage Daily News

First lady promotes broadband investment in visit to Bethel


New York Times

Semiconductor: Not Enough Workers

NY Times Semiconductor article

Visual Capitalist

Top U.S. States for AI Jobs – Alaska ranks 48th  (room to grow)


Broadband Providers, Consultants, Projects

Alaska FiberOptic Project - Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers

Alaska Communications in collaboration with Calista Corporation, Doyon Limited, Gana-A ‘Yoo Limited and the Tanana Chiefs Conference

Alaska Telecom Association

Industry Association

Alaska Tribal Broadband

Alaska Native owned corporation establishing broadband services in Alaska's remotest locations

Akiak Technology LLC

Akiak IRA tribal government contract to bring affordable broadband internet to tribal lands

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Broadband Access Initiative



Guide to grants

Other States

National Governors Association

Broadband Are Creating Jobs


State of Colorado

Colorado Broadband Workforce Plan (draft)

Colorado Workforce Plan (draft)

State of Maine 

Maine Broadband Workforce Strategy

maine broadband workforce strategy

State of Maine Connectivity Authority

Broadband Action Plan (BAP)

State of Ohio

Strengthening Ohio’s Broadband and 5G Workforce


State of Vermont

Meeting the Broadband Workforce 


Vermont workforce development plan_Final Draft 10.31.22

State of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Broadband Workforce Coalition


Fiber 30.8% 20 fiber providers Wireless 26.2% 17 wireless providers Satellite 3.1% 2 satellite providers Other 40.0% 26 other providers. Do you have updates, corrections, or other information about these ISPs or others? Join our forum and post a response HERE.

Who Provides What Broadband Workforce Services? 

Alaska has training and workforce resources available to help it reach the broadband future. Some organizations offer training or support for the skills needed for broadband installation and maintenance. Some have the resources to supply the workforce for the for broadband installation and maintenance once they are trained. And some will be the organizations that contract with or hire the workforce and do the work.  All of these entities play critical roles in efficiently and effectively supplying the workforce needed to build Alaska's broadband future. With thoughtful planning, service providers can match up with organizations that will help improve their capacities. 

Alaska Broadband Workforce Training Organizations

Training that can support the skills needed for the Broadband workforce training is carried out by a variety of organizations in Alaska. They include organizations that provide direct skills training, such as vocational training schools and center and organizations that prepare potential workers for jobs in broadband work, such as secondary and post-secondary schools, school to work programs, veteran's organizations, and ....... Put list and descriptions here.

Alaska Broadband Workforce Deployment Organizations

Workers who are trained in skills used in broadband installation and maintenance are often affiliated with or deployed by organizations such as Alaska department of workforce development, union organizations, and industry hiring halls (get proper descriptions of entities). 

Alaska Broadband Equipment and Materials Suppliers

The broadband for Alaska cannot be built without the equipment and materials needed for it. Equipment and materials for building the broadband will ...... whatever fits here that is needed to be described to help assess the supplies side.